Laurel Highland's Historical Village

Online Applications For LHHV

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Member and Director Applications
Please copy - Paste and print out.
Send completed applications to:
172 Allbaugh Park Road
Johnstown, PA 15909

Laurel Highland’s Historical Village



A Note from the Founding Board of Directors

Recording keeping is vital to every organization, any information disclosed to LHHV will be kept private & used solely for the organization statistic purposes.

The purpose of this application is to enable the Laurel Highland’s Historical Village to keep on record those members who have joined, for the purpose of fulfilling those laws set forth by the federal, State, and local governments. All information will be used only for the purpose of Laurel Highland’s Historical Village.




Name ________________________________________________________________________________                                                                                                                        




Telephone _________________________________  


E-mail address ________________________________________________________________________




Musician Dance  Variety Entertainment  Wood Crafting &Carving   Glass Works  Costume Sewing / Design   Theater Acting  Stagework  Vending Services  General Labor   Carpenter  Electrician Sales Clerk  Marketing  Public Relations  Teacher  Researcher  Secretary  Tellers  Clergy

History  Production  Play Writer  Architects  Design Engineers  General Contracting  Growers Safety  Medical  Administrational Duties  Management  Fire & Rescue  Security  Landscaping  Crafting  Accounting  Museum work  Special Assistance Work  Art & Design  Cooking   Toys  Amusements  Amusement Rides  Animal Work  Horse Riding    Ethnic Knowledge/skills   Legal Telemarketing Sales Storyteller  Modeling  Teaching  Musical Singer  Hair Stylist/Body Art 


                                                                     ETHNIC  AFFLILIATION(s)


Of what background(s) are you affiliated? I.e. Polish, French etc. _______________________________________


What committee(s) could you help with?_______________________________________________________


This verifies your desire to become a member of LHHV, and you agree to the laws set forth in our by-laws. You also allow LHHV to use your information for the sole purpose of LHHV activities.


Signature & Date  __________________________________________


Please note that new members are entitled to receive a free financial analysis worth $500.00 or more.  Phil Liptak our Business Manager will contact new members to arrange a meeting time, to review same. Phil Liptak Contact number 814-539-3833  or 814-539-5990

Department Of Human Resources

                                                                                                                                                                                               Laurel Highland’s Historical Village




A Note from the Founding Board of Directors


The purpose of this application and questionnaire is to enable the Laurel Highland’s Historical Village determine your qualifications, disciplines and interests.  Satisfactory completion of this form does not constitute acceptance by the Laurel Highland’s Historical Village.  It does indicate the degree of compatibility which exists between the applicant and the LHHV.  An interview involving the candidate, must take place before any call or invitation may be issued or responded to by any applicant.




Name ________________________________________________________________________________ 





Telephone _____________________


E-mail address ________________________________________________________________________




                                                     EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND


High School attended:________________ 


Post Secondary________________________                                  Diploma/Degree  

Schools  attended





                                                 EMPLOYMENT BACKGROUND


Dates              Position (last four positions)  Address                                             Phone#


_________      _________________________________________________________________


_________      _________________________________________________________________


_________      _________________________________________________________________


_________      _________________________________________________________________





                                     SKILLS  BACKGROUND (Employment or other)


Dates              Position


_________      _________________________________________________________________


_________      _________________________________________________________________


_________      _________________________________________________________________


_________      _________________________________________________________________


_________      _________________________________________________________________


_________      _________________________________________________________________




                                           HISTORICAL  EXPERIENCE (Not as Employment)

















                                        CROSS-CULTURAL EXPERIENCE


List ethnic community and other activities or organizations in which you have participated in recent years.











                                                                     ETHNIC  AFFLILIATION(s)


Of what background(s) are you affiliated?___________________________________________________





:                      1.)Please share the details of your personal interest in your chosen ethnic background(s)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


                        2.)Please explain the details of your crafts / skills as it applies to your chosen ethnic background(s)________________________________________________________________





                        3.)Would you be willing to submit to a Criminal Reference check on the request of the LHHV?    ____  yes   ____  no


            If no, please explain:___________________________________________________________________________ 






 References: Names and addresses of three individuals with whom you have worked










                                                           CHARACTER REFERENCES


Please obtain a reference from three people in any of the following categories.  Referees should be given a form along with an envelope address to:

 Laurel Highland’s Historical Village Inc. N.P., c/o 172 Allbaugh Park Road, Johnstown, PA, 15909,   attn: Human Resources Dept.   

1.      Employer (supervisor)

2.      Neighbour (friend, co-worker)



Please name the person to whom we may send a request for a recommendation and evaluation from the Board endorsing your application.  Please give the name of a person who would know you and your qualifications well enough to satisfactorily fulfil our reference requirement.





            Position: ______________________________________________________________________


            Address: ______________________________________________________________________




             E-mail: _______________________________________________________________________







                         Date: _________________   Signature: _______________________________________            






Please mail this completed form and your 3 reference forms to:

 Laurel Highland’s Historical Village Inc. N.P.,

 c/o 172 Allbaugh Park Road,

Johnstown, PA, 15909, 

 attn: Human Resources Dept.  


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